Part 1 of 4 - Creating Ruby on Rails and TypeScript React app

9 min read
August 7th 2023
Part 1 of 4 - Creating Ruby on Rails and TypeScript React app

How to create a small microservice app with Ruby on Rails (RoR) and TypeScript React (ReactTS)

How to use this Tutorial:

  • Read it! There's a lot in here to help with learning and understanding basic microservice architecture e.g. CORS policies
  • Bullet pointed sections are Actions - these are what you need to do
  • Give me any feedback if there are any mistakes in the tutorial

Advanced Tutorial that requires some basic knowledge in:

  • Ruby on Rails setup (follow the basic tutorial)
  • RESTful APIs and HTTP Request methods
  • PostgreSQL
  • JavaScript

Technical and installation requirements:

  • Ruby (and rbenv), v3.1.2
  • Ruby on Rails, v>7.0.6
  • NodeJS, v>16.13.1

Creating the Rails API

We will use have this folder structure:

├── api # <-- Rails API app
│   ├── app
│   │   ├── controllers
│   │   │   └── api
│   │   │       └── v1
│   │   │           └── posts_controller.rb
│   │   └── models
│           └── post.rb
├── client # <-- ReactTS app
│   └── src

0. Setup Ruby on Rails (RoR)

  • Install Ruby on Rails (RoR) - official docs
  • Instructions vary depending on OS

1. rails new [API_APP_NAME] --api

With Ruby on Rails (RoR), the standard rails new generator usually creates a full MVC RoR app, with RoR Views.

In order to use a different Frontend framework, it is best practice to make the RoR app API-only - that is, only Model and Controllers (and other middleware) but no Views.

You can generate this with:

rails new [API_APP_NAME] --api -T

Note: I usually specify the -T flag to prevent autogeneration of Minitest unit test, as I prefer to use RSpec for tests (more about RSpec)

The --api flag specifies this is an API-only app, preventing autogeneration of Views

  • Do the usual bundle install and other configurations you may do now

2. Setup and enabling CORS

Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a form of security that checks the origin (URL) of HTTP requests.

The app that we will build will have two origin URLs - in our local development environment, this will most likely be localhost:3000 for the RoR app and localhost:3001 for the ReactTS app.

As such, you need to update the CORS policy in the RoR app to allow requests from the ReactTS app we will build

  • Add or uncomment gem 'rack-cors' in the gemfile
  • Run bundle install
  • Find this file config/initializers/cors.rb and update the origins line to origins '*' - this will accept requests from any origin. The file should look like this:
Rails.application.config.middleware.insert_before 0, Rack::Cors do
  allow do
    origins '*'
resource '*',
      headers: :any,
      methods: [:get, :post, :put, :patch, :delete, :options, :head]
  • FOR LATER: we will update the origins later to accept requests from the ReactTS app at whatever port you specify, e.g. localhost:3001, as well as for a future deployed app URL (as a comma-delimited list of string URLS)

3a. Setup test packages (OPTIONAL)

For automated testing, we will use RSpec (official docs). It is important to set this up now, as RSpec will autogenerate test files when you generate Models and Controllers later on.

  • Add gem 'rspec-rails' to the gemfile
    • best practice is to add it to the group :development, :test do ... end block, so the test packages aren't used in the deployed app
  • Also add gem 'factory_bot_rails'
    • this is used to programmatically generate instances for automated testing
  • Add gem 'simplecov'
    • this is used to generate test coverage reports
    • Read the official docs on how to set this up (docs)
  • Run bundle install
  • Run rails generate rspec:install to generate boilerplate configurations

That's all for now.

3. Generate Post Model, Controller and Routes

For the purpose of this tutorial, we will create one Post model and one Post controller.

Note: from here, I will be using some shortened commands in RoR, like rails g instead of rails generate

  • Run rails g model post title:string content:text
    • remember this must be singular - this generates a Model (and test file, if you setup RSpec) called Post with title and content fields
  • (OPTIONAL) add validations to the Post model, if needed
  • Run rails g controller posts index show create update delete
    • this will generate a posts_controller file with empty methods called index, show, create, update and delete.
  • Run rails db:create db:migrate
    • you may run into errors here where you need to add a username and password to the config/database.yml file.
    • The username provided needs to exist in your PostgresSQL local setup and have permissions to create tables

We will use RESTful API naming convention best practice for versioning and move the posts_controller.rb file to a new folder. You can read more on this stack overflow post.

  • In the controllers folder, create a new folder api
  • In the api folder, create a new folder called v1
  • Move the posts_controller.rb to the v1 folder
  • In the posts_controller.rb file, change class PostsController < ApplicationController to class Api::V1::PostsController < ApplicationController

To help with learning, we will add some comments to the posts_controller.rb file to show where these methods should route to:

class Api::v1::PostsController < ApplicationController
  # GET /posts
  def index

  # GET /posts/:id
  def show

  # POST /posts
  def create

  # PATCH/PUT /posts/:id
  def update

  # DELETE /posts/:id
  def destroy

Now it's time to update the routes.rb file:

  • In the routes.rb file, add:
namespace :api do
  namespace :v1 do

  • In the :v1 block, add resources :posts, only: [:index, :show, :create, :update, :delete]
    • The resources keyword handles the route mapping, so you don't need to specify each HTTP request method

4. Seed the database

At the moment, we don't have any data in the db to test our post_controller.rb endpoints.

We will create/update the db/seeds.rb file to create a few posts for us to test

  • At the top of the db/seeds.rb file add require 'faker
  • Let's create 10 posts using Ruby's times iterator, add this block:
10.times do

  • In that block, add a post variable that we will create a Post instance in:
post = Post.create(
  title: Faker::Lorem.sentence(word_count: 3),
  content: Faker::Lorem.paragraph(sentence_count: 2)
  • (OPTIONAL) add some print statements to the file to get feedback when instances are created e.g. add print 'Created #{post}' in the Post.create block

The seed file should look something like this:

require 'faker'

10.times do
  post = Post.create(
    title: Faker::Lorem.sentence(word_count: 3),
    content: Faker::Lorem.paragraph(sentence_count: 2)
  print 'Created #{post}'
  • Run rails db:seed to seed the database

5. Add callbacks and private methods to the Post controller

There's one more thing that can improve the posts_controller.rb file - callbacks and private methods.

  • Add a before_action callback to the posts_controller.rb file:
    • This will run the set_post method before the show, update and destroy methods
before_action :set_post, only: [:show, :update, :destroy]
  • Add a private method set_post to the posts_controller.rb file:
    • This will find the Post instance by the :id param in the URL

def set_post
  @post = Post.find(params[:id])

NOTE: place all your private methods at the bottom of the controller file, below the private keyword

We also need to add a post_params method to the posts_controller.rb file.

Why? This is a security measure to prevent malicious users from sending requests with extra parameters that we don't want to be saved in the database.

  • Add a private method post_params to the posts_controller.rb file:
    • This will only allow the title and content parameters to be saved in the database
def post_params
  params.require(:post).permit(:title, :content)

Whenever you add new fields to the database, you will need to update this method to allow those fields to be saved.

6. Write the CRUD methods in the Post controller

Now we can write the CRUD methods in the posts_controller.rb file.

  • In the index method, add:
@posts = Post.all
render json: @posts
  • In the show method, add:
render json: @post
  • In the create method, add:
@post =

  render json: @post, status: :created
  render json: @post.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity
  • In the update method, add:
if @post.update(post_params)
  render json: @post
  render json: @post.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity
  • In the destroy method, add:

NOTE: notice that we don't need to render anything in the destroy method, as the Post instance is already deleted

  • (OPTIONAL) write tests for the CRUD methods in the posts_controller_spec.rb file

7. Test the API endpoints (Manually)

Using a third party app called Postman, we can test the API endpoints we just created.

  • Open Postman and create a new request
  • Set the request method to GET and the URL to localhost:3000/api/v1/posts
  • Click Send and you should see a list of all the posts in the database
  • Do the same for the other request methods, POST, PATCH/PUT and DELETE with the appropriate URLs and HTTP request methods

This is an important step to test the API endpoints before we move on to the ReactTS app.

7a. Adding custom endpoints

We can also add custom endpoints to the posts_controller.rb file.

For example, we can add a search endpoint that will search for posts with a specific title.

  • In the posts_controller.rb file, add:
def search
  @posts = Post.where('title LIKE ?', '%#{params[:title]}%')
  render json: @posts
  • In the routes.rb file, add to the :v1 block:
get '/search', to: 'posts#search'
  • (OPTIONAL) write tests for the search method in the posts_controller_spec.rb file

NOTE: in the case of a Search endpoint, you may want to use a gem called pg_search to improve the search functionality

Checkpoint 1 - Rails API

At this point, you should have:

  • A Rails API app with a Post model, controller and routes
  • CRUD methods for the Post model
  • Seed data in the database
  • (Optional) tests for the CRUD methods
  • (Optional) a custom Search endpoint

Additionally, after manually testing the endpoints, you should be able to see the JSON response in Postman.

Ruby on rails
